Michael Manzagol

Michael Manzagol, MJ, PCC



Co-founder and Managing Partner of Global Reach Leadership LLC (GRL), Michael has coached and consulted to founders, C-level executives and senior leaders from the Fortune 1000 to disruptive startups. He leverages his extensive experience leading teams in both corporate and startup environments to help leaders become powerful business communicators, lead strategic initiatives, and manage effectively in cross-functional and multicultural global organizations.
Having launched two companies, Michael has learned firsthand that becoming a leader is a journey, requiring small and large steps, often involving great sacrifice and learning. Prior to founding GRL, he served as the President of Critical Mass Media Group (CMMG), a Silicon Valley-based consulting company specializing in strategic marketing and branding for tech companies.


Michael earned a master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and received his coaching training at New Ventures West. He is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation. 



Super Power

Can recall the name and vintage of almost every wine he has ever tasted (he moonlights as a vintner).


If you aren’t on the edge you’re probably taking up too much room.

Giving Back

CleanTech Open Mentor, Board Member of the Film and Arts Foundation, coaching youth sports.